
Photo credit: Evan James Benally Atwood

Photo credit: Evan James Benally Atwood

I began photographing the world around me as a child of 4 years old. Snaps of my mom and dad watching TV, sticks and plants on outings to chop firewood.

In high school, I was the student who would skip socializing at lunch to secure my spot on an enlarger in the darkroom. And in college, I majored in photography and received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Washington.

Image credit: Alma Flores, Celina’s grandmother

Image credit: Alma Flores, Celina’s grandmother

While sorting through my grandparents’ belongings after their passing, I discovered a trove of old cameras in the back of a closet. This was when I realized from whence my love of photography came; my grandmother. My Memo had been an amateur photographer and had collected cameras, the oldest dating from the early 1940s, and the latest a Polaroid camera from the 1970s. My grandmother was known for capturing all of the important family moments, and the photo albums she put together exist to this day.

I have been fortunate to work and specialize in several areas of photography: portraits, events, and commercial/product. Because of this, I consider myself a multi-disciplinary photographer with several areas of expertise.

Along with my photography experience, I have experience in picture framing and fine art giclee printing, as well as digital marketing, and am available for consultation as well as photography services.